
(2019). Assessing Ideal Personalities at Work: Is it all Just a Little Bit of History Repeating?. In IOP.

Preprint Project Custom Link

(2018). The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing Psychology through a Distributed Collaborative Network. In AMPPS.

Preprint Custom Link

(2015). Some key questions for mindfulness interventions. In IOP.

PDF Project Custom Link

(2012). The Five Factor Model of personality and employees’ excessive use of technology. In CBH.

PDF Project Custom Link

(2011). An Investigation of Musical Performance Anxiety in the Marching Arts. In MPPA.

PDF Project Custom Link

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Below is my teaching philosophy. I share it with all my students at the beginning of every course that I teach. It was inspired by Adam Grant’s teaching philosophy (he is a well-known organizational psychologist).:

I take it as my personal responsibility to expose you to evidence-based management so that you might make wiser decisions as an employee, manager, and business leader. In our classes, we’ll discuss the most reliable and credible science that I’m aware of on various topics, we’ll weigh this evidence against our own experiences, and consider how best to act given this information. By the end of our time together, I hope that you will have cultivated an attitude of wisdom, which means acting with the best information on hand while doubting what we believe to be true.

For a quick overview of evidence-based managment, please see this link.

The courses that I teach are below:

  • MNGT370: Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills
  • MNGT475: Performance and Compensation Management
  • MNGT486: Special Topic: HR Analytics
  • MNGT502: Managing Human Capital
